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Analog Sci Fi & Fact Magazine

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6 issues per year.
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MAR/APR25,  released 10/02/2025
(7 in stock)
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Next Issue: MAR-APR, Due:14/03/2025
A fascinating and engrossing import from the far–flung shores of America, Analog Sci Fi & Fact is a curious but wonderful mix of, well, science fiction and science fact.

This magazine makes perfect reading for anyone who has a love of both sci-fi and science as a whole. It is primarily dedicated to bringing you short stories and novelettes from some of the most respected sci-fi authors, with the unbounded nature of Sci-Fi allowing them to explore some bizarre and highly interesting worlds and narratives. It also offers features on the latest scientific developments, and notable events in the history of science, making this small-sized but mightily impressive publication well-worth a read.

Buy a single copy of ANALOG SCI FI & FACT or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

They say, though quite which ‘they’ this is I don’t know, that once technology has reached a certain level it becomes indistinguishable from magic. I don’t know about you, but I think that this point has already passed. Analog may bring you some of the best science happening today, and some dramatic sci-fi visions of the future, but I think we are already living in a world where technology = magic.

I’d like to quickly point out that this doesn’t mean we think technology is magic, simply that it’s effects could easily be mistaken for it.

Think about how you change channels on your TV, using a remote to send information through the air. Magic! Consider even how you’re television picture arrives, beamed though the air, possibly even bounced off a satellite and then reassembled for your viewing pleasure. Witchcraft!

The words that you are reading now, if you made it this far through our ramblings, were written in the past, and uploaded onto a webpage which you then downloaded onto your own computer. Sorcery!

The point of all that is that we are living in a time of wonderful technological accomplishments. Sometimes we get so caught up in complaining when it doesn’t work, or that the new iPhing 5 isn’t innovative enough (ooh, topical. Though probably not anymore), that we forget just how marvellous science and tech really are, and how much they have changed the world. NB


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