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Heritage Railway Magazine

Further Details

12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

NO 330,  released 14/03/2025
(10 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: NO 331, Due:11/04/2025
A great magazine devoted to the world of steam trains, Heritage Railway is a monthly mag that is overflowing with love and passion for its subject.

Each issue brings a comprehensive round up of all the news and developments from the world of steam across the UK, covering everything from notable trains to famous lines as well as restoration and small scale steam railways, and is filled throughout with excellent photography of steam trains in all their majesty. Also has excellent features on the recent railway events, Rail Ale (a wonderful sounding idea), coverage of the scale steam model train hobby, and details of upcoming events and reviews of recently released related books.

Buy a single copy of HERITAGE RAILWAY or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

All aboard! We love steam trains here at Newsstand, and it is clear that the staff at Heritage Railway feel even more strongly about them than we do. The pages are filled with news from all around the country covering in great detail the goings-on off pretty much every steam line still going, and the photography is rather wonderful. The image of a steam train puffing across the countryside, taken from a distance is somehow such an incredibly iconic one that it seems hard to believe that there was a time before they existed. They fit seamlessly into the English countryside, somehow being a wonderful marriage between the industrial and the antiquated, machines that posses soul and style.

Secretly we wish that the world would go back to the steam train, though we know that its day is sadly long past. There was something wonderful about speeding across the country in a locomotive powered by steam, with whistles and whooshes and the indescribably lovely ‘chicka-chugga-chicka’ noise they made. It is no wonder that Thomas the Tank Engine was such a hit for kids – electric trains simply have no soul, no wonder, mystery, passion and ‘feel’ by comparison. NB


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