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Bbc Science Focus Magazine

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12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

MAR 25,  released 18/03/2025
(9 in stock)

Features: Heart Disease

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Next Issue: APR 25, Due:15/04/2025
An authoritative guide to the science and technology of the future. BBC Focus Magazine brings into view pretty much everything in the world of science and technology in an accessible yet intelligent manner, and from a well-established voice.

Focus is filled with news of the lastet scientific discoveries, breakthroughs, experiments and news in general, as well as articles from highly regarded experts. If you feel this is all a bit abstracted from you as a human, then there are great articles on new and emerging technologies and their implications for the human race. There are also reviews of the latest tech, coverage of the world of gaming and a great guide to what’s on in the month ahead.

Buy a single copy of BBC SCIENCE FOCUS or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

We love a bit of technology. Hardly a moment goes by here at Newsstand without someone’s smart phone beeping, or other gadget letting us know that they really require our attention, thanks very much – obviously, those ridiculous E Zines are illegal in NewsstandLand.

Technology has become engrained within our life to an absolutely incredible degree. After all, I’m not actually the voice in your head as you read this out, but am instead someone tapping away on a keyboard, sometime time in the past. Nothing like a bit of fourth wall breaking eh? But what this means is that if I make a mistake (for example I accidentally typed ‘id’ instead of ‘if’ a second ago, blame my clumsy fingers) then I can correct it in an instant, rather than having to type out the whole thing again. These words can then be taken, edited, and copied up onto the web in almost no time at all – almost instantaneous communication with the world around us.

Now, I don’t want to get too Tomorrow’s World (great show by the way) on you, but we really are living in the future. The capability to do pretty much anything with only a few clicks, taps or touches, to buy what we want, when we want, to instantly communicate with friends and family… perhaps we take it a little for granted. Anyway, I hope that wasn’t all a little to meta for you – feel free to stop imagining this voice… now. NB


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