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Medal News Magazine

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12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

MAR 25,  released 28/02/2025
(4 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: APR 25, Due:28/03/2025
The worlds leading – and only – publication devoted to both the history and the hobby of collecting medals. Medal News magazine is perfect for anyone interested in that most heroic and noble of rewards.

This magazine is aimed at those interested in both the collecting of medals and the fascinating history behind them. As such it contains the latest medal news and views, a comprehensive market scene section and reviews of books likely to be of interest to the readers, alongside in-depth features examining the history and story behind the medals from Victoria Cross to Military Cross and many, many more. Also includes a section where readers unsure what their medal might be can send in a photo and get an expert opinion.

Buy a single copy of MEDAL NEWS or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

The strapline for Medal News magazine is really rather apt. ‘For the History of Heroes’ it proudly proclaims, and it is exactly right in saying that. There can’t be any object out there that is more personal, that is more tied to an individual’s actions and history than a medal awarded in battle or for some great and heroic achievement.

On the surface they may not seem all that much; a scrap of not necessarily precious metal, hanging from a ribbon. But it is what they represent, the symbolic importance of the medal that makes them so fascinating, so extra-ordinary and so personal. Every medal is awarded to someone for their actions, whether that be heroically saving someone’s life without care for your own, travelling to the Antarctic or some other act of bravery. The only gripe we have is with those commanders awarded an array of medals for conflicts they never actually took part in, but that is a small problem in reality. The medal represents the nation’s acknowledgment of a time when someone went above and beyond the call of duty, and that is why they are so valuable. To collect medals is to collect the history of those people who were rewarded with them, and as such it is something best done reverentially, with care and respect. NB


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