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Nexus Magazine

Further Details

6 issues per year.
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Current Issue

FEB-MAR,  released 31/01/2025
(12 in stock)

Features: Spyware

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: APR-MAY, Due:28/03/2025
Nexus is a bi-monthly alternative news magazine based in Australia. The magazine covers a huge array of topics such as the latest health breakthroughs, future science and technology, suppressed news, free energy, religion, conspiracy, the environment, history and ancient mysteries, the mind, UFOs, paranormal and the unexplained to name but a few. The magazine thinks of itself as the alternative news magazine for those who want to read something that little bit different.

Buy a single copy of NEXUS or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Nexus magazine is printed on rather plain paper and doesn’t contain much colour or bold graphics; it instead prefers to concentrate on the content of the magazine and less about its appearance. This in itself makes the magazine rather interesting in its approach to the genre. Nexus likes to make a statement and stand out from the crowd. The features really can be on anything that is interesting and making an impact in the world. Trying to pinpoint the exact themes of the magazine is fairly tricky. It will contain topics on whatever it feels needs discussing.

As well as interesting features on such topics as politics, weight loss and science breakthroughs; there are also book reviews by today’s intelligent writers with a different point of view from others in the same field. The magazine has a global focus and looks all over the world for the best new controversial stories, music, film and literature.

Nexus magazine can be described as fairly academic in nature. Some articles will contain information on rather tricky subjects, previous features have contained titles such as ‘past life regression therapy’ and ‘American’s emerging space weapons’. This magazine will definitely be appreciated by readers with a love of controversial topics which you would never see in the more mainstream publications of the same type. The magazine is serious about being different and should be a publication which readers can turn to for alternative features on the things that really matter to them.


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