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Real Review is the flagship publication of the REAL foundation and is published quarterly. Through engaging analysis, evaluation and enquiry, the Real Review pursues what it means to live today.
What does it mean to live today?
We are overwhelmed by the feeling of being merely spectators in an already predetermined script. We are watching ourselves live, powerless to influence the course of events—both suspended in an infinite moment, yet divorced from our bodies by space and time. This is the condition of historical déjà-vu.
Real Review #2 marks a number of important milestones: 9/11, the Arab Spring and Occupy movement amongst others. Their consequences are still playing out in predictable, even inevitable ways. We can’t memorialise these events because we were never able to forget them. They linger. They persist beyond their own time, reaching forward into our daily lives, stretching and distorting our sense of the contemporary. Real Review formulates positive propositions for how to live in this extreme present.