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Pioneering Print Since 1898
Current Issue
Features: Spring Style, Beauty Special, Katie Fang
Buy a single copy of GIRLS LIFE or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g and children's magazines with large free gifts which may go 2nd Class).
Girls’ Life is a delightfully informative magazine that covers pretty much everything that is important when you are a teenager. Being young you sometimes don’t realise just how lucky you are, so we’re going to celebrate that part of humanity traditionally loathed by parents and teachers alike – the teenager.
Remember when you were young? It may be a bit of a cliché to say that the summers seemed to go on for ever, but it is also importantly true. Days when you didn’t have to go to school were a blessing, you had so much free time that you didn’t know what to do with it. For any teenagers reading, every adult secretly wishes they could live again in the carefree world you do. Everything seems gloriously inconsequential; whatever you did, wore, whoever you dated, pretty much anything could be forgotten in a years time. Of course, they were important at the time – it is difficult to realise how unimportant looking fashionable is at the time – but looking back with no doubt terribly rose-tinted hindsight, they really didn’t matter.
So, if you’re still a teenager, make sure you enjoy it. After all, you only get one run through before you’re captured, forced to wear formal clothing and sit in an office all day, doing the accounts or some such thing when secretly you wish you were outside in the sun. NB