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Beano Magazine

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52 issues per year.
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Current Issue

15/03/2025,  released 12/03/2025
(7 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: 22/03/2025, Due:19/03/2025

Featuring many of the nation’s favourite characters, ‘The Beano’ is still the UK’s best selling comic cartoon magazine. Dennis the Menace, numbskulls, bash street kidz… They’re all still in there and wreaking havoc, regardless of the decade.

Aimed for ages 7-11.

Buy a single copy of BEANO or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g and children's magazines with large free gifts which may go 2nd Class).

This classic UK comic is probably thought of more fondly by middle aged men than the boys that the Beano is aimed at. That’s just a shame as it’s still got all the terribly poor story lines and jokes that its always had, wrapped up in the colourful comic strip format and with the great cartoon drawings.

I know it’s a cliche, but if you want to send your son, nephew or grandson some nice wholesome reading material that involves nothing worse than emptying buckets of cold water onto your neighbour’s head (eeek), then The Beano or The Dandy are just the ticket. We asked a little fellow called Cole what he thought of the Beano comic…this is what he said: “I think the Beano is funny, cool and good for learning how to get rid of people - it has gifts and jokes and it once taught me how to make a giant snowball”. Cole has been given a copy of the Dandy and we expect his pearls of wisdom any day soon…

Trundle down to Beanotown today and pick up a Beano comic magazine – the iconic kid’s comic, for the kids (and big kids – yes we’re talking to you!). Everyone remembers the Beano from their childhood days – with crazy classic characters such as Dennis the Menace, Roger the Dodger, Minnie the Minx, The Bash Street Kids, Calamity James, Ivy the Terrible and Billy Whizz to name but a few, you can bring the Beano into the next generation as the comic that’s become an integral part of being a kid.

With more than 3500 issues since 1938, the Beano comic has never gone out of fashion. It’s a best-selling kid’s legend, and if, like most of us, you’re hankering for a quiet afternoon and it’s raining outside, settle them down with a Beano and leave them immersed in the wacky world of Beanotown, following their favourite characters on all their wild adventures. And when your little Menace is tucked up in bed, you can steal it for yourself!

Pick up as well the Beano’s sister comic, the Dandy, featuring many of the same artists, and sit back and watch these siblings squabble with comic cross-over stories. With crazy adventures and hilarious humour, the Beano comic magazine is the kids’ need-to-read comic. Subscribe and help them spend their pocket-money wisely.


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