In the latest issue: This bumper issue contains a guide to the British Shooting Show and ratings of the latest guns, optics and clothing.
Now incorporating Sporting Shooter magazine. Fresh from a round of hunting in the countryside, Sporting Gun magazine brings you coverage of the world of shooting wildfowl and more.
Each issue is full of useful, practical information, from shooting tuition through to advice for gamekeeping and gundog, as well as the latest news and views from the world of shooting in the amusingly named ‘opening shots’ and ‘snap shots’ sections. It also offers recipes to make using game, features on the sport itself and in-depth and thorough testing of guns, cartridges and products such as jackets and knives.
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We can’t help but think that the gamekeeper is a really rather good job. Not only do you get to work in the great outdoors, you are employed by people who are normally notoriously rich and well-off, you are working with animals (if not necessarily for their eventual well-being) and getting plenty of fresh air and exercise. What’s more, a gamekeeper is that rarest of things – a worker who is not often seen, but very much appreciated.
Everyone who enjoys a good shoot in the countryside knows just how important the work done by the game-keeper is. Without their efforts there would be no fowl to shoot, little in the way of organisation and overall a highly disappointing traipse through a wooded area – you would essentially be taking your gun for a walk.
Sporting Gun is fully aware of the importance of the gamekeeper, and we are pretty sure that the world of shooting in general is too. But let’s hear it once more for those hard working fellows whose efforts mean you have something to aim at. NB