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Current Issue
Features: Elon Musk, George Saunders, Gary Shteyngart
Buy a single copy of THE ATLANTIC or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).
Interestingly, The Atlantic recently angered former Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, for “misinterpreting” his words on the export of communism to the wider Western world. The magazine’s reporter, Jeffrey Goldberg, drew fire from the revolutionary by taking Castro’s words literally when he said “the Cuban model” no longer even worked in Cuba. Goldberg’s reporting is primarily political, with the September 2010 issue issue hypothesising that Israel is preparing to bomb Iran. Whether this is the case, or a further example of Goldberg “misinterpreting” a situation can only be ascertained by reading the article in question, which proves to be an interesting opinion on the current state of affairs between the two countries. The Atlantic, unintentionally ironically, covers anti-semitism in the same issue. Economics also gets a look in here: Megan MaArdle deals with the problems of the stock exchange, and why the casual investor may never see their “nest-egg” again.
Featuring varied advertisements, The Atlantic appears to be aimed at no specific demographic, which makes for interesting and varied reading and means that there is something for everyone, somewhere in its pages. Whether you are hooked in by the popular culture and stay for the more satisfying politics, or whether your mind has a serious bent that can then be relieved by the softer subjects, The Atlantic is thought provoking and expresses some interesting opinions available for debate.
Issue: Issue 7 Jeff Bridges
Onsale: 04/03/2024
inc p&p ( 30+ in stock)