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Boat Magazine

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Current Issue

12,  released 21/11/2016
(Out of Stock)

Features: Faroe Islands

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Next Issue: 13, Due:11/04/2019
An inspired travel magazine at its core, Boat is an independent title with a focus on a new exciting city in each issue. Breathing in the sights and sounds of some of the world’s most endearing cityscapes, their culture and their history. Boat gets the lowdown from the mouths of the locals themselves sampling the foods and resiliency of the destination of choice. Unsparingly honest in its appraisal, and featuring gritty photography to back itself up, Boat shows culture magazines at their finest.

Buy a single copy of BOAT or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Travel and culture magazines tend to suffer from a deficient common to them both which sours the taste of the overall product. A lack of focus, scattering their attention over dozens of locations and topics over each issue without letting readers stop and savour what they are being shown. With Boats darling merging of culture and travel in one tight package, we have a fantastic title that themes each issue around one city, which its rag-tag team of writers, photographers and contributors all pack up and go to visit to get the experience first-hand.

Brutally honest in its assessment of wherever its team happens to be visiting each issue, Boat’s focused nature gives its readers an excellent glimpse into the substance of these cities, rather than merely getting a taste of the wisps floating about the edges. Crisply printed and possessing the sense of character that comes from an independent publication in love with what they do, Boat is the travel magazine of the future.


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