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Pioneering Print Since 1898
Current Issue
Features: Michelle Marving, Chris Jurd, Kate Ceberano
Buy a single copy of QUILTERS COMPANION or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).
Here at Newsstand we believe firmly in the preservation of arts and crafts. The professions of yesterday begin to die out as new methods of production come into practice, and people start to ask just how much the actually need anything made of wicker. As a result interest starts to wane, and the ways of handcrafting things are lost as the people who used to be able to do it pass away.
No more! Magazines such as Australian Quilter’s Companion allow a thriving group of interested individuals to preserve their art in the face of growing industrialisation. As long as there are enough people left to care, this kind of hobby magazine will do a fantastic job of helping them share information, pass on their knowledge, and interest a whole new group of quilters in the art.
I can’t help but wonder whether, in years distant in the future, there will be holo-magazines devoted to the ancient arts of using a computer, or doing almost anything at all by hand. The more different activities we can keep alive in the world, the better and more diverse we will be as a species. Yes, quilting means that much to us.