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Dissent Magazine

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WIN 25,  released 28/01/2025
(3 in stock)

Features: Joe Biden

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Next Issue: Next Issue, Date TBC
That rarest but arguably most valuable of things – Dissent is a US based political magazine with a strong left-wing viewpoint.

Dissent is packed full of strongly opinionated and thought-provoking, well-written articles examining a huge range of political, cultural and economic issues in America and world wide. It features looks at the Left in the US in the past, and looks to the future as well. Issues often have themes which many of the articles are based around, such as food, and they also feature opinion and comment pieces and in-depth reviews of recently released books.

Buy a single copy of DISSENT or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Ah, politics in America. If there’s one place that you don’t want to identify yourself as left-wing it is the good old US of A. Over there ‘Socialist’ is a dirty word, there was a period known as McCarthyism in the middle of the 20th Century when everyone suspected to have communist leanings was dismissed from public and political posts, and the choice was between two right wing parties, one slightly more extreme than the other.

America will take a long time to get over its deep rooted hatred for anything that seems to come from the left – an indelible mark left over from the cold war when communism was the enemy. It is impressive then that Dissent manages to get published, as it offers writing on a range of issues from prominent left-oriented writers. As you can tell from the name it is a challenge, a call to action, a dissenting voice offering an alternative perspective in a time when politicians would rather have popularity than policies, and would happily change their beliefs if it will win them votes. If you want to read about an important but minority view in American Politics, then Dissent is where you will find the richest vein of… well, dissent. NB


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