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Astronomy Magazine

Further Details

12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

MAR 25,  released 12/03/2025
(7 in stock)

Features: Exoplanets, Lunar Science Preview, Lowell Observatory

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: APR 25, Due:04/04/2025
Astronomy, the world’s most beautiful astronomy magazine, reveals the awesome majesty of the planets, the stars, and the galaxies in colour photos. Clearly written, authoritative, and scientifically sound articles cover both science and hobby activities in amateur astronomy.

Astronomy includes monthly star charts and an almanac covering naked-eye and telescopic observing highlights. Accepting contributions submitted by its readers, Astronomy targets amateur astronomers to introduce them to the exciting reality of astronomy and help them to witness the extraordinary sights happening far way in the sky.

Buy a single copy of ASTRONOMY or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Astronomy’s position as the world’s best-selling astronomy magazine has been well-earned as no other magazine can boast of such a connection between professional astronomers and the amateurs they inspire. It features articles and help on the best ways to enhance your astronomical skills alongside news on astronomy in general, and also offers assistance in dealing with all the pesky interferences that can blight a good night of sky gazing such as light pollution and identifying new sights to gaze at.

People who may only be generally interested in astronomy and who may fear they lack either the technical knowledge or willpower to go through with setting up their own projects will still find much to enjoy with Astronomy’s pages. Help is on hand for upstarts alongside advertisements by various astronomy-oriented organisations that wish to help amateurs to set up their telescopes. This magazine really reaches for the stars (literally) with the informative articles and encouragement on hand it offers for anyone with an interest in the heavens. Whether it is debris weathering its final fiery journey down into the atmosphere or witnessing the subtle flash of a supernova from a galaxy millions of light years away, Astronomy is here to open its reader’s eyes to the awe-inspiring spectacle of the universe.


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