A great US alternative lifestyle and therapy magazine, Kindred Spirit is perfect for those with an open mind when it comes to their health and happiness.
Kindred Spirit covers the ‘alternative’ world, including features on mediums, the healing powers of various items from orbs to crystals and the associated free thinking culture. It provides a list of the best upcoming events, coverage of new products, answers to your spiritual and soul-searching questions, astrology, food, and reviews of recently released books and CDs relating to its subject, and features contributions from well known spiritualists on their areas of expertise.
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We are forever fascinated by the possibility that there is something greater than humanity behind the reason why we exist. We don’t pretend to know what that is, but judging from the popularity of magazines covering the subject it seems that there’s a lot of support for the world of spiritualism, and we can understand why.
There are so many strange and different things that happen in this world that to simply label the strangest ones a ‘coincidence’ is perhaps a tad dismissive. Science may well provide answers to many of the questions of life, but it can never truly resolve the biggies – why are we here? (not simply in the biological sense) What is our purpose in life? How do we think, feel and more besides?
Who is to say what is right and wrong when these questions seem pretty much beyond our reckoning? We like to keep an open mind and try new things before we dismiss them, so we’re going to figure out our numberscope, experience some chiro-yoga (it’s like chiropractery and yoga at once!) and do some astro-gardening once we’ve finished work.