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Practical Pigs Magazine

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4 issues per year.
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Current Issue

SPRING,  released 07/03/2025
(3 in stock)

Features: Pete Siviter

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: Next Issue, Date TBC
A no-nonsense magazine for those both interested keeping pigs as both a hobby and for profit. Practical Pigs Keeping and Rearing magazine is a straightforward and informative guide to raising your porcine pals.

Practical Pigs is full of useful advice, covering from the very beginning of a pigs life – breeding – to the sad but inevitable trip to the abattoir. There are guides to knowing your different breeds and helpful advice about what to feed and where to keep your pigs, alongside interesting features about those involved in the hobby. Also covered is the latest news in the world of pigs and details of upcoming events for enthusiasts.

Buy a single copy of PRACTICAL PIGS or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Pigs are by far the best animals, no question. Some may point to the common household kitten as the most adorable, or the dog as the most loyal, faithful and friendly. Perhaps they might suggest the horse as one of the most practical, or highlight the important role played by the cow. Yet others might consider the exotic tiger as the most powerful, or the many varieties of monkeys as the most intelligent and amusing. But they are wrong.

There is no other animal that gives us quite as much meaty delight as the pig – apologies to any vegetarians out there but you’re probably not reading this anyway if you are. What other animal could bring us the varied delights of pork, sausages, gammon, ham, and of course the king of them all, bacon?

Without bacon this country would grind to a halt. All the working men across the UK would refuse to start their days fuelled only by toast and tea, there would be no deliveries made, no engineering done, no plumbing fixed and nothing constructed. Bacon is the food that propels this country forwards, and as a result we salute you, readers of Practical Pigs. NB


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