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French Magazine Magazine

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Current Issue

NO46,  released 10/03/2025
(7 in stock)

Features: Thalia Besson

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: Next Issue, Date TBC
At first glance, French Revue de Mode magazine is exactly that, French. It isn’t until you get through to the end pages that you realise that a full translation for each article into English is provided, and what a blessing that is!

It would have been a terrible shame if a magazine of this calibre was lost in translation. Filled to the brim with style, elegance and the latest fashions, French is a substantial and worthy addition to any collection. Alongside the beautifully observed and shot fashion images are a variety of articles covering a whole host of famous names. If French is a byword for style and elegance, then French magazine lives up to that billing.

Buy a single copy of FRENCH MAGAZINE or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

As I leaf through the pages of French magazine, I can’t help but be intrigued by the high presence of English words within a foreign publication. As noted above, there is an English translation nestled in the back, but nevertheless certain words and phrases are in English.

This is true pretty much around the world, and quite why this should be the case fascinates me deeply. I’m certainly not one to argue that English is somehow an inherently better language, quite the opposite. In fact, English is a hodge-podge of elements from different languages; Germanic, Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Romance… all have traces within the language we speak. Perhaps that’s what makes it better – the adaptability and versatility of English due to its rather dubious parenthood is why it is so widespread.

Whilst we’re talking language, here’s an interesting little morsel for you. In English the words for animals are predominantly Anglo-Saxon – short and grunty like pig or cow. Yet once they are cooked and served up on a plate they take on much more elegant, romance originating names – pork (porque), beef (beouf) and so on.

At least we don’t do what the Germans do and refer to meat as ‘fleisch’ or flesh. That would put me right off my bacon sandwich.


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