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Sea Angler Magazine

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12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

NO 646,  released 28/02/2025
(11 in stock)

Features: Boat Fishing

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: NO 647, Due:28/03/2025
Impressively thorough and comprehensive, Sea Angler is a bible for those who prefer their fish saltwater rather than fresh, and landed from the beach or a boat.

When you buy Sea Angler you are practically getting three magazines, as it includes ‘Bass Angler’ and ‘Boat Angler’, huge sections devoted to these forms of fishing. In all three parts you will find all the latest news and views from the seafishing community, great features on many different aspects of the passion and sport, details of upcoming events, the ‘tackle shop’ covering gear such as rods and poles, bait, line and reels, technical advice and tactics designed to improve your fishing and many different competitions with excellent prizes. A hugely impressive selection of different things can be found in this great UK angling and fishing mag.

Buy a single copy of SEA ANGLER or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

We don’t think that you would want to venture out for a day’s sea fishing without a copy of Sea Angler rolled up in your bag. Fishing is one of the… slower hobbies and sports to pursue – when anything happens, it tends to happen very fast. Now, don’t get us wrong, we absolutely love a sport or hobby that gives us the chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life, cast out a line and maybe even settle down for a quick snooze. In fact, that’s pretty much our dream hobby. Nevertheless, for those moments when the fish just aren’t biting – and those of you who fish will know exactly what we mean by that, the times when for no obvious reason you seem to have offended the god of fishing – a copy of Sea Angler is the perfect way to pass the time.

We rather feel that once you’ve done sea angling, you won’t want to go back to old fashioned regular fishing. Why settle for smaller fish and a lack of the world’s most wonderful scenery, the ocean? Well, we understand that people can appreciate both, but our hearts are with the sea fishes. Someday, we plan to charter a boat and head out to the sea for a weekend of relaxing sea fishing with a couple of mates. Perhaps we’ll bring a TV and copy of Jaws, it can only end well… NB


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