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Marlin Magazine

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8 issues per year.
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Current Issue

12,  released 25/10/2023
(3 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: Next Issue, Date TBC
Marlin is one of the best selling International sport-fishing magazines. The publication is produced in America and is released 8 times a year. It will have interesting features which cover a whole range of information on every aspect of the sport. There will be articles on how to improve your technique and catch more fish than ever before. There will also be great product reviews and all the latest information on the best new gear.

Buy a single copy of MARLIN or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

With articles such as ’10 things anglers should know’ and ‘avoid common IGFA laws’ there will be something in here for any budding anglers out there. As this magazine is based in America there will be a number of articles which feature warm looking scenery with happy looking people on boats floating on the Atlantic. Anglers in the UK, who are sitting at their desks in a gloomy office with the rain pattering on the windows, may find these pictures are a little too much to stand. We are warning readers that extreme jealously could be a side effect from this magazine if you aren’t currently sat by a river bank or on a speed boat!

If you enjoy competing in tournaments then there will also be fascinating sections with yet more advice on how to improve your strategy. Forgive us for being ignorant, but we didn’t realise that fishing tournaments in America were so popular. Apparently for those of you who like us have rusty fishing knowledge; there is a billfish tournament in Florida which is governed by the International Game Fish Association, apparently there are rules which award points for the weight of each catch. It’s an ‘all release’ affair which means that supposedly no fish is hurt in the making of the event! If you are a huge fan of these types of tournaments or would like to know more, then get yourself a copy of Marlin for all the best advice and gossip from the people in the know.


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