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Match Fishing Magazine

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12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

MAR 25,  released 07/03/2025
(8 in stock)

Features: Matt Godfrey, Will Raison, Des Shipp, Sean Cameron, Cam Hughes, Liam Lunn, Andy Kinder

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: APR 25, Due:04/04/2025
The magazine for the competitive angler, Match Fishing magazine is the sister mag of Pole Fishing and is aimed at those who fish to win.

This great publication brings you the latest news and results from match fishing competitions across the UK, and is absolutely packed with great pro advice on how to be a competitive angler. If you’re curious about what bait will be most effective, or want to know the best feeder mould around, then this is the magazine for you. There is great technical advice and features giving insight into the minds and techniques of some of the country’s top anglers, as well as reviews and tests of essential gear such as clothing, bait mixes and of curse rods and lines.

Buy a single copy of MATCH FISHING or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Once, whilst still a very young fellow, we made our own fishing rod. It was a lightweight yet practical affair made from a bamboo cane that was lying around (apparently that is now a common material for construction of rods – we like to think they stole it from us), a few curtain hook things screwed into its length and some wire. Somehow we even got hold of a proper hook, though that was swiftly taken away until we were properly fishing.

We ran up and down the garden, casting lines into imaginary rivers, catching even more imaginary giant fish, until one day we finally had a chance to put it to use. We can’t remember where (it was a very long time ago) but we went fishing. And caught nothing, except a cold.

It was most dispiriting, and since then we have not been back to the world of angling. We may, however, return soon – after reading the likes of Match Fishing magazine our interest has been piqued. So, look out anglers of Britain, for a man on the river who has no idea what he is doing, but be prepared for an outburst of celebration that will shatter the reverential quiet of your hobby when we finally catch something. NB


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