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Steam Railway Magazine

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12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

NO 568,  released 27/02/2025
(9 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: NO 569, Due:27/03/2025
The best selling magazine in Britain devoted to the preservation and restoration of steam trains, Steam Railway is an impressively passionate and celebratory publication.

Featuring all the news from across the country in impressive depth and coverage of the industry and narrow gauge rail, Steam Railway covers steam powered locomotives in all their forms. There are historical features, fantastic galleries featuring some great photographs both historical and modern, opinion pieces and the lighter side of rail, along with coverage of the community, details of upcoming events and reviews of relevant books and DVDs.

Buy a single copy of STEAM RAILWAY or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Right. Challenge – to write approximately 200 words about Rail Tracks, without once mentioning the majesty of the steam trains to be found in Steam Railway.

The simple rail track is actually a work of engineering majesty. It may look simple, but this underappreciated strip of metal atop heavy wooden sleepers was critical to the modernising and industrialisation of Britain. Years of labour went into constructing the labyrinthine network of railtracks that snaked their way across the country, from top to bottom. Navvies, short for Navigational Engineers (in truth, mostly hard working Irish labourers) cut banks, went through hills and up slopes, across rivers and many, many miles of land, all toiling so that the rails would connect the cities and workplaces of Britain.

Without good rail, that which went on top of it could simply not have existed – the simple steel or iron line of metal has gone sadly unappreciated. They are the enabler, the conqueror of the canal, eventually vanquished by the road when it comes to freight, but for a long time perhaps the most important static part of the infrastructure of Britain. They may not look flashy, or glorious as the… wait, can’t mention trains. They may not look like much, but their simplicity, ease of making and ubiquitous qualities helped propel this nation into the future.

Challenge – just about passed. NB


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