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Model Railway Journal Magazine

in Crafts & Hobbies ... Modelling

Model Railway Journal Magazine

Further Details

6 issues per year.
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Current Issue

NO 309,  released 23/01/2025
(19 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: NO 310, Due:28/03/2025
Superb magazine about model railways, with an emphasis on handicraft and miniature engineering. Model Railway Journal is the best UK scratch builder/finescale magazine available to buy. Very well written, does not talk down, though maybe a bit daunting for beginners to the hobby as a result, yet includes superb photos. Covers all scales with emphasis on 1:43 to 1:152 scales. Much of the coverage is on techniques and approaches to model making. Long standing favourite magazine.

Buy a single copy of MODEL RAILWAY JOURNAL or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

MRJ is seen by many as the successor to the late and lamented “Model Railways” magazine, it is no overstatement to say that it consistently provides the most adult and intelligent reading material for railway modelling enthusiasts across the whole of the English speaking world. Sounds impressive, but then it is.

Model Railway Journal is a no frills, advanced modelling magazine that appears to deliver the goods (tee hee) with every issue. It’s aimed at the “serious” modeller, the magazine set out to provide a forum for those modellers who wished to progress beyond what was on offer from the ready to run manufacturers, whilst also providing a good read for those just interested in the topic of model rail.

Many collect them but you can also just visit this page, check out the magazine front cover and if it covers your type of “thing”, snap up just the copy that you need. You just don’t get that service anywhere else on every UK magazine.

If you prefer life sized trains, wander over to the Railway Magazines section.

MRJ magazine probably heads up the UK magazine industry’s assault on top end niche hobby publications. It’s famed the world over and there are many more besides that take Model Railway Journal as their market for excellence. Browse for them at will.


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