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Tina Magazine

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52 issues per year.
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Current Issue

NO 11,  released 12/03/2025
(Out of Stock)

Features: Food Recipes

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Next Issue: NO 12, Due:19/03/2025
This German women’s weekly magazine is similar to the UK’s legendary weekly celebrity and real life magazine know as Take a Break. Tina magazine supplies interesting gossip as well as health and entertainment on a seven day cycle, which would be ideal for those readers who want to learn the German language and also get a great fix of gossip or for those frauleins far from home who want to get reconnected with their homeland.

Buy a single copy of TINA or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

This magazine is brilliant for all your weekly gossip, beauty, real life and recipe needs. There is so much packed into Tina magazine for readers to enjoy. We particularly liked the features which concentrated on makeovers which made other Tina readers look younger. Who doesn’t enjoy a good make over story these days? We certainly do and we were amazed at how good they looked afterwards, we weren’t sure at first that they were even the same person! It’s quite amazing what a new hair do, some expert make up and stylish new clothes can do for a person and their confidence.

The healthy food recipes featured in Tina will help you look after your weight and the style pages will help you look as fabulous as you feel on the inside. The fashion is all cheap and accessible for readers looking to save a few pennies. While expensive fashion magazines are nice to look at, we do like the fact that this magazine provides normal readers with normal salaries some cheaper clothing buys that won’t cost a months rent. All the prices are set out in Euros so readers in the UK may have to do a bit of converting but you can get a good feel for the fashion in Germany and what the high street and boutiques have to offer.

The magazine is printed on good quality paper and has a classy and stylish layout. It is quite an accomplishment for a weekly magazine to manage to pull off a nicely presented publication with quality paper but somehow Tina has managed to do it. We think that the UK weeklies could probably learn a thing or two from Tina magazine; it’s well made and has a heap load of interesting articles for all the German speaking women out there.


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