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Pioneering Print Since 1898
Current Issue
Features: Whinnie Williams, Spring Recipes, Dame Kelly Holmes, Family Days Out, Hazel Vaughan
Buy a single copy of KENT LIFE or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).
Newsttand HQ is based in Canterbury in Kent. We love it here and we think that you will love it too! Those who are curious about what Kent has to offer should get this magazine and see what all the fuss is about! It is truly a beautiful part of the world. It is also very accessible as there are now high speed trains from London which can get here in less than an hour. What more excuse do you need?
The magazine will have regular competitions giving away free weekends in the Kent countryside as well as tickets for various attractions. Readers looking to save themselves cash should keep their eyes pealed for these great offers.
There are extensive housing sections which show the latest homes on the market based in Kent. Those readers looking to relocate can see what the current market has to offer them. We think that any new arrival will fall in love with Kent in the same way that we have. Believe us once you visit Kent then you’ll never want to leave! It has a great balance between having vibrant cities with a great atmosphere and nightlife as well as stunning areas of natural beauty.