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Dinosaur Attack Magazine

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6 issues per year.
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Current Issue

NO 119,  released 07/02/2025
(2 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: NO 120, Due:25/04/2025
Dinosaur Attack! magazine is a fun packed, exciting magazine for 5 – 7 year olds, with loads of pictures, stories, dinosaur facts, puzzles, games and activities, and a great dinosaur-related free gift to keep their imagination running wild for hours. Whether they’re gentle giants roaming the plains and eating leaves, or terrifying carnivorous beasts, if they’re a dinosaur, they’re in here!

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Is it an alert or an imperative? Is your little boy more likely to be running screaming as dinosaurs ransack the town, or setting dinosaurs on his siblings? The lack of that all important comma indicates it’s the former, which is a shame, because we think most little boys would love to set dinosaurs on just about anybody, especially when it’s time to get up, go to school, eat their greens, or go to bed. “Go to bed.” “No! Dinosaur, attack!” (Parent runs yelping from the room as slathering jaws snap around his shoulders).

The important question is then raised – what would be the best dinosaur companion? Well, the obvious initial choice we think most people would go for is T-Rex, but this is perhaps not the best one. Whilst clearly the best in terms of attack (in the imaginary game of dinosaur top trumps we’re now playing), it comes up short in several areas – specifically arm length. That’s the reason why the T-Rex is always so angry – when it comes to scratching troublesome itches, it struggles.

Honourable mentions go to the Triceratops for sheer pointy-ness and the Stegosaurus for tininess of brain (we imagine it would be like a lovable but slightly dim dog), but the clear winner is the Velociraptor. Quick, deadly and with that undeniable ‘cool’ factor, it is the clear winner – we can’t wait until we can get up in the morning, and walk the velociraptor before work. NB


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